Roll of the

Viscounts and Viscountesses

in the Kingdom of Atenveldt

Name Date Elevated
1 Francois duVent 1/14/1977
2 Anne of Meridies 1/14/1977
3 Ivan du Grae 5/7/1977
4 Kathleen MacChluarain, the Pure 5/7/1977
5 John the Bearkiller 7/8/1977
6 Kassandra NicKraken 7/8/1977
7 Alaric von Rotstern 9/24/1977
8 Yseult of Orkney 9/24/1977
9 Anastasia Fedorovna Pantera 11/5/1977
10 Thomas the Diaemus 11/5/1977
11 Aislinn O'Neill 12/17/1977
12 Gunwaldt der Östermachen 12/17/1977
13 William Colquitt 1/13/1978
14 Helene of Florisshen 1/14/1978
15 Sean McFlamm of Ravenswaard 5/20/1978
16 Katarina von Alyssin 5/20/1978
17 Denis of the Titans 6/11/1978
18 Trude Lacklandia 6/11/1978
19 Heinrich der Jager 7/8/1978
20 Lore de Lorraine 7/8/1978
21 Randal von Nordlichwald 12/9/1978
22 Constance von Nordlichwald 12/9/1978
23 Amayot of Aragon 12/10/1978
24 Kerensa of Willowmere 12/10/1978
25 Megan Andoniel of Glengalen 12/30/1978
26 Wielhelm of the Bogs 12/30/1978
27 Simonn of Amber Isle 6/16/1979
28 Tessa of the Gardens 6/16/1979
29 Irminsul the Improbable 6/30/1979
30 Frances la Rouge 11/17/1979
31 Nicholas le Noir 11/17/1979
32 Christopher of Hoghton 12/1/1979
33 Trelon of the Wood 1/12/1980
34 Beau Marishka of the Romanies 1/19/1980
35 Robin of Mightrinwood 1/19/1980
36 Justin du Roc 4/12/1980
37 Victoria of the Vales of Barnsdale 4/12/1980
38 Andreah al Shad-u-Kâm 7/5/1980
39 Ronald von Schlosserhausen 7/5/1980
40 Elwynn de Grai 11/8/1980
41 Roger du Grae 11/8/1980
42 Aelflaed of Duckford 1/17/1981
43 Faleena Camille del Sol 5/16/1981
44 Kveldúlfr av Úlfsgarð 7/5/1981
45 Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova 7/5/1981
46 Stefan of the Wanderers 1/23/1982
47 Leah de Spencer 7/25/1982
48 Robert de Spencer 7/25/1982
49 Gabrielle Boivin 11/6/1982
50 Caryn Isolde Clothilde von Katzenberg 1/15/1983
51 William Gallowglass 1/15/1983
52 Kimie Murakami 4/30/1983
53 Montegar of Hell's Hole 8/20/1983
54 Hastini Chandra 11/19/1983
55 Angelica des Montagnes 1/21/1984
56 Eldr Fredericksson 1/21/1984
57 Lucia del Canto d'Ivrea 5/19/1984
58 Thoronnaur of the Silverwoods 5/19/1984
59 Aelfgar Redbeard 11/17/1984
60 Bronwyn Banadruidh 11/17/1984
61 Naomi von den Katzenjammer 11/17/1984
62 Rotwulf von Geistburg 11/17/1984
63 Keridwen of Montrose 5/4/1985
64 Michael die Zauberzunge von Essen 5/4/1985
65 Aurora of the Blackwoods 5/19/1985
66 Lei Chang Yen 5/19/1985
67 Allocen Adorian 12/14/1985
68 Berold de Gilbert 12/14/1985
69 Donnan the Truehearted 1/19/1986
70 Kareina Talvi Tytar 1/19/1986
71 Camelen Melintaur 5/17/1986
72 Elric of Moray 5/17/1986
73 Johann von Balduinseck 6/14/1986
74 Ulric Brettvalda the Dragon Bear 6/20/1987
75 Clea de Hunedoara 9/19/1987
76 Mathghamhain MacAlpine 9/19/1987
77 Deirdre d'Argenteuil 3/19/1988
78 Eldrid Wolfsguard 3/19/1988
79 Stefan Wasniewski Ste´Kolm 6/18/1988
80 Jaqueline of Atenveldt 9/17/1988
81 Mark von Neumannsgrund 9/17/1988
82 Sarah Thomasyn 1/14/1989
83 Thorfinn the Just 1/14/1989
84 Adam Carlos Diaz de Castille 3/18/1989
85 Eirianedd o Randir Mwyn 3/18/1989
86 Adria of the Crosswinds 7/8/1989
87 Thomas the Diminutive 7/8/1989
88 Brynhilde Kristiana Emma von Kohlenfeld 9/16/1989
89 Gilbert Bertram de Harfleur 9/16/1989
90 Rapheal the Rogue 1/13/1990
91 Ynesyn Ongge Xong Kerij-e 1/13/1990
92 Danu 3/17/1990
93 Malinda Hohen van Kester 3/17/1990
94 Bryon l'Ours d'Argent de Bourgogne 6/16/1990
95 Silesia la Cherubica di Viso 6/16/1990
96 Aveloc the Younger 7/21/1990
97 Yasmin Samia of Artemisia 7/21/1990
98 Jyllian of Bubb 1/12/1991
99 Sikman the Stout 1/12/1991
100 Elaina von Mannheim 3/16/1991
101 Zahara min Shamar 7/20/1991
102 Edward Drakenfeld 7/20/1991
103 Arik Alton 11/16/1991
104 Roslyne of Saxony 11/16/1991
105 Amanda Edwin 5/16/1992
106 Dmitri Miscovich Katzmier 5/16/1992
107 Douglas of Dunbar 5/16/1992
108 Kalida Rudaya 5/16/1992
109 Alan Youngforest 7/11/1992
110 Anna Zauberkunstlerin 9/11/1992
111 Brandewyne the Brave 11/22/1992
112 Lawrence of Ironwood 11/22/1992
113 Anna Ophelia Holloway 1/9/1993
114 Brion Anthony Uriel Tarragon 1/9/1993
115 Christopher Reuben Montoya 5/15/1993
116 Katerina O'Callaghan 5/15/1993
117 Morgan d'Antioche 7/10/1993
118 Rhyndel Angharad Terentia 7/10/1993
119 Eric Stroud 11/20/1993
120 Nichelle of Whitewolfe 11/20/1993
121 Ja'mala al-Badawiyya 1/8/1994
122 Seoinin Irontree 1/8/1994
123 Wander Riordan 5/7/1994
124 Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny 5/21/1994
125 Jochi Guardian of the Night 5/21/1994
126 Cerys Bassett 7/9/1994
127 Olaf Canceler 7/9/1994
128 Ivan Howard of Hightower 11/19/1994
129 Katherine Mariana O'Malley 11/19/1994
130 Aylwin Graham the Flamehaired 1/14/1995
131 Ramona la Indominita 1/14/1995
132 Etienne Dupre 7/8/1995
133 Basil der Drache 1/13/1996
134 Renee Dominique Vittoria 1/13/1996
135 Brianna Fey Whitewolfe 1/20/1996
136 Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the Younger 1/20/1996
137 Lynn O'Liam of the Lavender Isles 7/6/1996
138 Drusilus von Oberbessenbach 7/20/1996
139 Yrsa Gudrunardottir 7/20/1996
140 Kassandra Eymann 1/11/1997
141 Sean Kirkpatrick Tarragon 1/11/1997
142 Diana Della Rosa di Pergola 3/15/1997
143 Sterling Schawn Leopard 3/15/1997
144 Courtney Caesaria 6/1/1997
145 Gareth ap Llewelyen 6/1/1997
146 Jost Brandolf von Lück 1/24/2015