This page includes only names and devices that have been registered by the SCA College of Arms and recorded in the Online Ordinary and Armorial (Online O&A).

This page is maintained by Lady Helena de Argentoune.


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Barony of Dragonship Haven Roll of Arms

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Name Device Emblazon Blazon Online O&A Record Known Aliases East Kindom OP Record
Abraham ben Aaron Gules, two Sassanian horned winged demi-lions statant addorsed conjoined Or. To Online O&A Avrahm ben Aaron, Avraham ben Aharon To EK OP Page
Adhemar de Villarquamada Or, semy-de-lys gules, a griffin segreant sable and a chief counter-ermine. To Online O&A Morgan de Villarquamada To EK OP Page
Agapios Cargos Gules, an eagle and on a base argent a sword and an axe in saltire sable. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Alejandra de Miera Argent, a yale rampant sable platy a bordure embattled sable. To Online O&A Alejandra Mercedes de Rosanegra To EK OP Page
Alexandra of Dragonford Argent, a dragon couchant to sinister purpure and a ford. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Alexandre sur la Mer Azure, a compass rose argent. To Online O&A Alexander sur la Mer, Alexandre sur le Mer To EK OP Page
Amber Surrey Or, issuant from an ink pot sable a quill pen purpure, between in bend sinister two domestic cats sejant respectant sable. To Online O&A Amber Surrey of House Dragonslayer,Amber Surray of House Dragonslayer To EK OP Page
Anne of Hatfield Azure, a saltire per saltire Or and argent, overall a mortar and pestle argent. To Online O&A Ann of Hatfield To EK OP Page
Antonius Blandus Argent, three lozenges gules and a chief triangular vert. To Online O&A Anges MacKincaid, Angus Caed Chathach To EK OP Page
Aravis Katheryn DelClare Ermine, on an ogress engrailed a clarion argent. To Online O&A Aravis Katheryn del Clare, Aravis Katheryn DelClare To EK OP Page
Arianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood Or, two estoiles and a unicornate wolf passant reguardant sable. To Online O&A “Aja”,Adrianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood,Arianna Ravestar of Wolfwood,Aja-Adrianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood,Arianna Ravenstar To EK OP Page
Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of Gwynedd Gules, a dragon passant Or orbed gules, maintaining in its dexter forepaw an oak branch proper; a base barry dancetty azure and argent; overall a bordure Or. To Online O&A Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys ap Gwynedd, Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys ap Gwynnedd, Arwen Evaine fert Rhys ap Gwynedd, Arwen Evain ferch Rhys of Gwynnedd, Arwen Evaine frech Rhys of Gywnnedd, Arwen Evaine Merch Gwyneth To EK OP Page
Aurelie de Montpellier Quarterly Or and gules, a roundel between in bend two fleurs-de-lys and in bend sinister a harp and a cauldron counterchanged. To Online O&A Aurelie de Montpellier, Aurelie de Montpelier To EK OP Page
Aurora of Dragonship Haven Per fess azure and Or, a sun Or and a dog courant sable. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Balfar von Grunwald Per saltire purpure and sable, a bear statant between three owls displayed guardant argent. To Online O&A Balfar von Grünwald, Balfar von Grunwald To EK OP Page
Berowne of Arden Gyronny vert and sable, an oak eradicated between three estoiles Or. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Brandub Mag Oireachtaigh Argent, on a fess sable between three leopards faces caboshed gules, three trefoils slipped Or. To Online O&A Elias Gedney, Brandub Mag Oireachtaigh To EK OP Page
Breck della Scala Per bend indented sable, mulletty argent, and vert, in dexter base an increscent argent. To Online O&A Brekke della Scala,Brekka Della Scala To EK OP Page
Brianna Vivina O Choda Chevronelly purpure and Or, on a chief argent two ounces statant reguardant addorsed, tails entwined, breathing flame sable. To Online O&A Brianna Vivina O Choda, Brianna Vivina Ochoda, Brianna Vivina O’Choda, Brianna O’Choda To EK OP Page
Bronwen Rose Greylyng Argent, on a saltire vert a rose argent and on a chief azure three mullets Or. To Online O&A Brose, Bronwen Rose Greylyng, Bronwen Rose of Greyling To EK OP Page
Cailin mac Eachduinn Per bend sinister sable and vert a horse salient and another salient contourny argent. To Online O&A Cailin mac Eachduinn, Colin MacKenzie To EK OP Page
Casimir Sarkastyczny Per fess argent and gules, in pale a roundel counterchanged sable and argent between two eagles counterchanged. To Online O&A Casimir Sarkastyczny, Casimir Kastyczny, Casimir Sakastyczny, Pan Casimir Sarkastyczny To EK OP Page
Cassandra Matis Vert, a gurges and a bordure Or. To Online O&A Cassandra Matis, Cassandra de Matisse, Cassandra de Matise To EK OP Page
Catalina de Valencia Azure, a sea-horse and on a chief invected argent an arrow reversed gules. To Online O&A Catalina de Valencia, Catelina de Valencia To EK OP Page
Caterine Ganivre Martin Argent, a saltire parted and fretted between in pale two martlets volant and in fess two quatrefoils purpure. To Online O&A Catherine Ganivre Martin To EK OP Page
Catherine du Fay Vert, on a wheel argent a winged cat sejant affronty wings displayed Or. To Online O&A Catherine de Fay To EK OP Page
Cedric of Armorica Per chevron inverted Or and azure billety Or, in chief a tankard azure. To Online O&A Cedric of Amorica,Cedric To EK OP Page
Cei Wiclif of Haewengraes Or, a chili pepper bendwise sinister proper. To Online O&A Cei Wyclif of Haewengraes, Cei Wicliff of Haewengraes To EK OP Page
Chiaretta di Fiore Or, a fox sejant guardant proper and in chief three pine trees couped sable. To Online O&A Kataryn Mercer, Chiaretta di Fiore To EK OP Page
Christoffel d'Allaines-le-Comte Azure semy of stalks of wheat, on a pale Or a sword azure. To Online O&A Christoffel d’Allaines le-Comte, Christoffel d'Allaines-le-Comte, Christoffel d’Allaines le Comte To EK OP Page
Ciaran Tison Per bend purpure and sable, a monster composed of the body of a wolf and the torso of a man, passant and maintaining in both hands a spear palewise, between two crescents inverted in bend sinister, all argent. To Online O&A Ciaran Tysson the Sneaky To EK OP Page
Clarice d'Allaines-le-Comte Azure, in pall inverted three coneys courant conjoined at the ears, in chief a rapier fesswise Or. To Online O&A Clarice d'Allaines le Comte, Clarice d'Allaines-le-Comte To EK OP Page
Diana ferch Morfudd Per bend sinister gules and sable, in dexter chief a harp argent, and in sinister base a calendula Or, eyed sable, between in bend sinister two daisies argent, eyed Or. To Online O&A Diana ferch Morwyddd,Diana merch Morwydd To EK OP Page
Dwane Shinnock Per chevron vert and purpure, a chevron between three pheons inverted Or. To Online O&A Dwane Shinnock, Dwayne Shinnock, Duane Shinnock To EK OP Page
Dyan O'Choda Argent, on a bend between two bunches of grapes purpure, three hawk's bells palewise Or. To Online O&A Mother Mary Julia, Dyan O’Choda, Dyan of Clan O’Choda, Dyan of Clann O’Choda To EK OP Page
Edward Dragonslayer Per bend sinister azure and argent, a bend sinister between two dragons dormant to sinister, tails coward, within a bordure, all counterchanged. To Online O&A Edward Dragonslayer To EK OP Page
Efa Gath fach Lozengy Or and azure semy of linden leaves counterchanged. To Online O&A Parsley, Efa Gath fach, Diddanwy Caddfarh, Diddanwy Gathfac, Dyddanwy Gathfach, Efeilian Gathfach ferch Owain ap Bleddyn, Eifeilian Gathfach ferch Owain ap Bleddyn, Efelilian Gathfach ferch Owain ap Bleddyn, Eifeilian Gathfach ferch Owain ap Belddyn, Efeilian ferch Owain ap Bl To EK OP Page
Eilís ní Bhraonáin Gyronny ermine and azure, each gyron charged with a needle point to center counterchanged azure and argent. To Online O&A Eilis ni Bhraonain To EK OP Page
Eleanore MacCarthaigh Per fess purpure and sable, a stag trippant argent, attired Or and in chief a decrescent argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Gamli tottr Sable semy of lozenges ployé argent, a man vested argent kilted vert maintaining in his hands two flanged maces argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Gideon ha-Khazar Argent, on a bend between two menorahs azure a bottlenosed dolphin naiant argent. To Online O&A Gideon HaKhazar To EK OP Page
Grimolfr Skulason Lozengy gules and argent, two ravens displayed and a wolf statant sable. To Online O&A Grímólf Skúlason, Grimolfr Skulason To EK OP Page
Gwendolyn of Basing Or, on a bend between two trefoils in fess and another azure a roach fish argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Hans Ferdinand Engel Quarterly gules and azure, a sword inverted winged at the blade argent transfixing a harp Or. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Henry Balsac Dumas Argent, a heart voided sable within an orle of grapevine vert fructed purpure. To Online O&A Henry Balsac Dumas, Henry Balzac Dumas, Henry Bahlsak DuMass, Henry Balsac DuMas To EK OP Page
Holt Kincaid Or, two brown otters combattant proper and a bordure vert. To Online O&A Holt Kincaid of Hawk Glen, Holt Kincaid To EK OP Page
Idon of Sheffeld Per chevron inverted azure and gules, three maple leaves two and one argent and two scimitars in saltire proper. To Online O&A Idon of Sheffeld, Idon of Sheffield To EK OP Page
Ingrid von Baumgarten Argent, a bend sable between a garden rose gules, slipped and leaved vert, and a sycamore tree eradicated proper. [Acer pseudoplatanus] To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Isabel de Roys Per bend purpure and vert, on a bend argent three thistles vert headed purpure. To Online O&A Isabel du Ross To EK OP Page
Isabella d'Allaines-le-Comte Vert, a cauldron with flames at its bottom and on a chief Or two ladles in saltire vert. To Online O&A Isabella d’Allaines sur Comte, Isabella d'Allaines-le-Comte, Isabella d’Allaines le Comte To EK OP Page
Ismenia Wystan Vert, in canton a winged eel hauriant embowed argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Ivar Volosatoi Per fess gules and checky sable and argent, in chief two arrows inverted in saltire surmounted by a goat's head cabossed argent. To Online O&A Ivan Volosatoi,Ivar Volosottoi To EK OP Page
Jacob Fisher Azure, a sea-lion and on a chief argent a rapier vert. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Jame Aguillier Or, a panther rampant guardant sable spotted of divers tinctures incensed and between two fleurs-de-lys gules. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Jean Michel le Vaud Per saltire sable and gules, a wolf rampant argent and in chief a crescent Or. To Online O&A Jean Michel LeVode, Jean Michel le Vaud To EK OP Page
Joan of Coggeshall Per pale gules and sable, three wagon wheels and a chief Or. To Online O&A Joan of Coggshall To EK OP Page
Josef Gajdos Azure, two bears statant erect respectant Or within six plates in annulo. To Online O&A Josef Gajdos Bratislavanko, Josef Khaidus To EK OP Page
Joseph of the Red Griffin Per bend sinister Or and azure, a bend sinister embattled sable between a griffin segreant gules and two key in saltire, wards to chief, loops connected by a chain, Or. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Jost von Aichstadt Lozengy bendwise argent and azure, on a chief gules three seeblatter Or. To Online O&A Jost von Aichstadt, Jost von Eichstadt To EK OP Page
Jotun-Eirikr Bjarnason Vert, two axes in saltire addorsed surmounted by a double-bitted axe palewise, in chief three mullets, all within a bordure Or. To Online O&A Jotun-Eirikr-Bjarnason, Jotun Erikr Bjarnson To EK OP Page
Kathryn Elizabeth Lyons Ramsey Per chevron sable and gules, two lions combatant and a ram's head cabossed argent. To Online O&A Kathryn Ramsey To EK OP Page
Lavina Attewode Purpure, a unicorn tail nowed argent gorged with a collar and chain Or, a bordure gyronny of eight vert and argent. To Online O&A Lavina Attewoode To EK OP Page
Leon the Navigator Per bend sinister azure and vert, in bend an astrolabe and a caravel argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Leovigild of Aralia Sable, three mountain peaks gules, fimbriated argent; issuant from the center peak a trident argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Lettice Peyton of Ashdown Vert, on a cross nowy quadrate argent a rabbit sejant proper maintaining a quill pen sable. To Online O&A Lettice Payton of Ashdown, Lettice Peyton To EK OP Page
Llewellyn Walsh Per pale sable and vert, a horse rampant between in pale an arrow fesswise reversed and an arrow fesswise argent. To Online O&A Hrossbjorn Hestamaðr To EK OP Page
Luna Athanwulf Purpure, between the horns of a decrescent a wolf's head erased contourny argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Mahin Banu Tabrizi Purpure, on a pale Or a feather azure. To Online O&A Selena d’Ambra, Selena d'Ambra, Selina d’Ambra, Mahîn Bânû Tabrîzî To EK OP Page
Marguerite de Saint Nazaire Vair, on a pale sable three escallops argent. To Online O&A Aiden de Sainte Nazaire, Marguerite of Saint-Nazarre, Marguerite de St. Nazaire To EK OP Page
Marta de Lyon Per fess purpure and azure, a duck naiant argent and in chief three mullets Or. To Online O&A Marta of Lindisfarne To EK OP Page
Maven Whitlocke Or, on a bend azure, cotissed gules, between two cinquefoils azure pierced Or, three hawks' bells Or. To Online O&A Katya the Halfhanded, Katja Hjalmarsdottir, Katya Hjalmsdattir, Maven Whitlocke To EK OP Page
Migel Gneuyle de Normandie Per fess Or and azure, in chief a bicorporate lion gules, and in base a gurges argent. To Online O&A Migel de Normandie, Miguel d’Armentur de Normandie To EK OP Page
Mikkel Bildr Sable, in pale a mannaz rune and a mastless drakkar, an orle argent. To Online O&A Mikael the Builder, Mikkel Bíldr, Mikkel the Builder To EK OP Page
Morgan ap Rhys ap Bran Counter-ermine, a sun argent charged with a lion's head caboshed gules and on a chief embattled argent two roses sable. To Online O&A Morgan ap Rhys, Morgan ap Rhys ap Bran To EK OP Page
Morwenna Durward Purpure, on a bend sinister between two mushrooms argent, two harps palewise azure. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Myr d'Allaines-le-Comte Gules, a fox sejant and on a chief argent three pumpkins gules. To Online O&A Myr d'Allaines-le-Comte, Myr d’Allaines le Comte To EK OP Page
Nathaniel Wyatt Per fess azure and Or, a fess indented lozengy Or and azure between two rapiers inverted in saltire Or and a griffon azure. To Online O&A Wyatt, of Beyond the Mountain, Nathanial Wyatt, Wyatt of Beyond the Mountain To EK OP Page
Nergis bint Mustafa Per chevron purpure and vert, on a chevron argent three bunches of grapes palewise slipped and leaved proper, in base a bird migrant to chief argent. To Online O&A Nergis of O’Choda To EK OP Page
Olaf Olafsson of Dragonship Haven Or, a linden tree eradicated and on a chief vert three stags salient Or. To Online O&A Olaf Olaffson, Olaf Olafsson of Dragonship Haven To EK OP Page
Olivia Graeme Purpure, a bend sinister bretessed Or between an abacus palewise and a pair of scissors argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Omelan the Lefthanded Or, a pithon glissant sable. To Online O&A Omelân the Lefthanded, Omelan the Left To EK OP Page
Oskar of the Wood Gules, a stag springing argent and in sinister chief a decrescent Or within a bordure ermine. To Online O&A Oskgar of the Wood, Osgkar of the Wood To EK OP Page
Ottar Eriksson Per chevron wavy argent, estoilly vert, and vert, in base a rabbit sejant guardant, armed with a stag's attire, argent. To Online O&A Ottar Erikson To EK OP Page
Pagan Graeme Gyronny argent and sable, a heart gules between eight acorns in annulo counterchanged. To Online O&A Pegan Graham To EK OP Page
Phebee Fayrhehe Bendy argent and sable, a talbot sejant guardant and on a chief gules three escarbuncles argent. To Online O&A Phebee Fayrhehe To EK OP Page
Qadagin-u Jajiradai Or, a yak passant and a chief azure. To Online O&A Jaji, Quadagin-u Jajiradai To EK OP Page
Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp Azure, two axes in saltire proper, surmounted by a cartouche Or charged with a rat sejant erect sable, all within a Norse four-legged serpent in annulo, head to tail argent. To Online O&A Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Reeking Swamp, Ragnar Two-Axe, Ragnar Two Axe, Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp To EK OP Page
Reyne Wurm Or, a crow close contourny between three gouttes, on a chief sable a sword fesswise Or. To Online O&A Reyne Wurm, Renye Wyrm To EK OP Page
Rhode Kephalaina Argent, a saltire gules between four roses sable, barbed vert, seeded, and a bordure gules. To Online O&A Rosette de Rheims, Rosette de Rheims, Rhode Kephalaina, Rosette de Rhiems To EK OP Page
Richard the Poor of Ely Per bend azure and vairy sable and argent, in sinister chief six mullets Or. To Online O&A Richard of Shire An Dubhaigeainn, Richard the Poor To EK OP Page
Roderick of Basing Azure, a fess gules fimbriated Or; in canton a cross-crosslet Or. To Online O&A Roderic of Basing, Robert of Basing, Roderick of Basing To EK OP Page
Sara Sala di Paruta Per pale sable and vert, a talbot sejant contourny Or collared gules maintaining a roundel Or. To Online O&A Sara di Salaparuta, Sarah di Salaparuta, Sara of Salaparuta To EK OP Page
Sean Gobha Argent, a stag rampant sable, on a chief embattled gules, a catamount passant to sinister Or. To Online O&A Sean Goublinne To EK OP Page
Seosamh O Choda Or, a pale purpure between a cauldron sable and a heart gules. To Online O&A Seosamh Ó Chóda, Seosamh O’Choda, Seosainh O’Choda, Seosamh O Choda, Seosamh O'Choda, Seosamh O Choda To EK OP Page
Siobhan inghean Chormaic Per chevron argent and azure, a chevron counterchanged between three pheons gules and a triquetra argent. To Online O&A Siobhan inghean Chormaic, Siobhan inhean Chormaic To EK OP Page
Sitt al-Gharb ha-niqret Khazariyya Quarterly argent and purpure, a winged monkey segreant Or and on a chief embattled sable three crescents Or. To Online O&A Hrefna Spákona, Sitt al-Gharb ha-niqret Khazariyya To EK OP Page
Stephen de Raymond Or, on a fess between two roundels purpure, three bezants. To Online O&A Stephan de Raymond To EK OP Page
Susana Marie of Palermo Per bend sinister pean and ermine, on a bend sinister gules three quatrefoils argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Temair ingen Muiredaich Per bend sinister rayonny vert and argent semy of bunches of grapes purpure, a fox sejant contourny argent. To Online O&A Tamarrion di Sidana, Temair inghen Muiredaich, Temair inghean Muiredaich, Tammarion di Sidana To EK OP Page
Theodore Barrister Vert, a hanging balance and a chief Or. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Theodore Digenes Ducas Per bend sinister azure and argent, a quill pen bendwise sinister Or and a recorder bendwise sinister sable. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Torrin O Cuinn Per pale gules and azure, a sword palewise between two wings displayed, all within a bordure Or. To Online O&A Torrin the Wanderer, Torrin the Wonderer, Torrin O Cuinn To EK OP Page
Tristan de Worrell Or, two boars combattant sable, in base a wooden barrel proper. To Online O&A Tristan de Warrel,Tristram de Warrel To EK OP Page
Ulfgeirr Ragnarsson Quarterly gules and argent, a stag and a horse combatant sable. To Online O&A Ulfgeirr Ragnarsson the Nice, Ulfgar the Nice, Ulfgeirr Ragnarsson To EK OP Page
Umm Butrus A'isha al-Anida Azure ermined argent, on a plate a dragon displayed sable. To Online O&A Umm Butrus A'isha al-Anida To EK OP Page
Ursula de Santiago y Galiciano Argent, a bear rampant between three theatrical masks azure. To Online O&A Ursula Santiago y Galiciano To EK OP Page
Vienna de la Mer Argent, on a pale wavy between two Latin crosses formy swallowtailed azure a sea-unicorn argent. To Online O&A Viennet de la Mer To EK OP Page
Wilhelm von Ostenbrucke Argent, on a fess embattled between three Maltese crosses azure a sword reversed argent. To Online O&A Elric von Ostenbridge, Wilhelm von Ostenbrucke To EK OP Page
William of Dragonship Haven (holding name) Or semy-de-lys gules, a griffin segreant sable and on a chief counterermine a fleur-de-lys Or. To Online O&A William de Clarens To EK OP Page
William of St. Ives Sable, a sea-griffin rising, wings displayed, tail pendant, argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
William of the Black Fletch Sable, on a bend sinister argent between two bezants, an arrow sable. To Online O&A To EK OP Page
Willow Benoit Argent, a weeping willow tree per pale gules and vert issuant from a mount sable. To Online O&A Coil Tuar, Willow Benoit To EK OP Page
Wladislaw of Concordia Sable, a cross swallowtailed, gyronny gules and argent, fimbriated and within a bordure Or. To Online O&A Poleski of Concordia,Wladislaw Polyeski,Wladislaw of Concordia To EK OP Page
Yosef Alaric Azure, in saltire a trumpet inverted Or and a lute in profile proper. To Online O&A Josef Alaric, Yosef Alaric of the Baliset To EK OP Page
Ysabella de Draguignan Azure, a peacock in his pride argent the tail marked azure and in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent. To Online O&A To EK OP Page